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By Lowell Brown

Pinterest Business Profile Setup Checklist


Is today the day you’ve finally made the decision to set up a Pinterest Business Account? Congratulations, you have taken a step in the right direction. You’ve just opened the door to the fastest growing content sharing social media website. To help you get started, we have created a step by step guide to setting up your Pinterest Business Account from scratch.

To download your FREE copy of the Pinterest Business Profile Setup Checklist go to:

Step 1: Sign Up For An Account

1. Are you creating a personal account?

YES __ NO __

If so, go to to create a new account.

2. Are you a business?

YES __ NO __

If so, go to www. and join as a business.

*Note: you can convert your personal page to a business page if you already have a large following. However, you cannot change your Pinterest URL when converting to a business account.

3. Have you specified your “Business Type?”

YES __ NO __

4. Have you filled in your “Contact Name?”

YES __ NO __

5.  Does your username include your full company name?

YES __ NO __

6. Is your profile picture a direct representation of your business (company logo)?

YES __ NO __

7. Have you included a detailed profile description?

YES __ NO __

To increase your online visibility, it is recommended that you include some keywords that are related to your business in your profile. For example, a catering business could use the words “caterer”, “food”, “event”, and “catering” to describe their business.

8. Have you included your company website URL?

YES __ NO __

9. Have you taken the time to “Add Your Interests?”

YES __ NO __

(Selecting a few pins that are related to your business and your customer’s interests will allow Pinterest to make suggestions on who to follow based on these selections).


Step 2: Verify Your Account

1. Have you verified your account?

YES __ NO __

If not, go to the “Settings” page and click on “Verify Website” button. Download the HTML verification file and upload to web server.

*When your website is verified, people will see a checkmark next to your domain in search results. They will also see the full website URL and checkmark on your profile.

Step 3: Getting Started (Creating Pinboards & Adding Pins)

1. Have you created any boards?

YES __ NO __

2. Do you have a variety of board categories?

YES __ NO __

2. Have you uploaded any pins?

YES __ NO __

3. Are your uploaded photos of professional quality?

YES __ NO __

4. Do you have photos of your products/services?

YES __ NO __

5. Have you included any promotions/contests in your boards?

YES __ NO __

6. Do you have Pinmarklet? (a bookmark for users to save things on the web that they’d like to pin).

YES __ NO __

“Add a pin” allows you to share content from a website.

“Upload a pin” allows you to add your own content from your computer.

“Create a board” groups your pins into general categories.



Step 4: Follow Pinners

1. Are you following any pinners?

YES __ NO __

* To follower a board, click the Follow button anytime you’re viewing a pin OR click the Follow All button on a pinner’s profile page.

2. Are you following any pinboards?

YES __ NO __

* While viewing a pin, locate the Pinned onto the board section at the bottom of the pin, which notes where the pin is saved. Click the Follow button to start following pins from this pinboard.

3. Have you re-pinned related content?

YES __ NO __

3. Have you “liked” any pins?

YES __ NO __

4. Are you “Commenting” on and “Mentioning” pins?

YES __ NO __

*To browse related categories click the square button next to the search box on the top left corner of the homepage.


Step 5: Email Notifications

Are you receiving email notifications whenever someone interacts with your pins and pinboards?

YES __ NO __

If not, go to the profile icon in the top right corner, select Settings from drop-down menu, click on edit profile, then email settings.


 *Bonus Options

Embed Buttons and Widgets

1. Have you included “Pin It” and “Follow” buttons directly on your site?

YES __ NO __

(Allows users to either pin a photo or piece of content to one of their boards, or follow your account directly).

*To install the “Pin It” button, go to and fill in your Pinterest User URL and add the URL location for the image you want visitors to pin. Next, write a short, keyword-optimized description of the image. Clicking “Build It” will allow Pinterest to generate a preview of the button. You will be provided with a code that you can copy and paste into your site HTML.


* To add the “Follow Button” to a website, go to and fill in your Pinterest User URL followed by your username. Click “Build It” to generate your follow button code. To add the “Follow Me” button to WordPress, go to your widgets > Appearance > Widgets and select a text widget. Next, paste the code into the text widget, click “Save”, then “Close” the widget and place it in your sidebar. 



Pinterest Video Series: How to Use Pinterest For Business

Want to learn how to drive leads and web site traffic using Pinterest?

Do you want to learn the most strategic way to build followers on Pinterest and expand your marketing reach?

Social Influence Academy brings you a 6 part video series that will provide you with how-to demos for Pinterest business marketing success. These online video training programs will walk you through setting up your own company Pinterest page and you’ll learn techniques for profile success strategies along the way. After completing the training programs, you will understand exactly how Pinterest works and why having a Pinterest business page will benefit your company. Register today to learn how to become a Pinterest marketing expert!


For more information and to sign up today visit:

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