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By Lowell Brown

What You Need To Know About LinkedIn Company Page Changes

LinkedIn has grown to be a professional place to connect, network, find a career and share!
Whether you’re a business owner or employee, LinkedIn will build a community, and help drive your company’s growth through meaningful conversations.

If you’re a constant user, you may have noticed something new about LinkedIn. The business platform announced a revamp from the ground up, to make it easier for brands, institutions and organizations to foster constructive conversations with LinkedIn’s community. They’re calling this the next generation of LinkedIn Company Pages.

If you own a company page, you’ll know to run it, you need to be an admin of that page and since admins are backbone of the company page and social strategy, LinkedIn Pages now gives them tools they need to foster daily interactions with their community.

One of the best parts about the update is that LinkedIn Pages’ management is now fully integrated and functions with its mobile app. Admins can now post updates and respond to comments and maintain their company presence on the go from the LinkedIn mobile app. Admins can also share Word Docs, PDFs and Powerpoints to tell a more compelling story.
With all the limitations before the update, this was a huge issue and challenge.

As an admin of a Page, LinkedIn will allow you to listen in and respond to conversations happening about their brand or relevant topics simply with hashtags and “suggested content”. The way you share content on Facebook is the same way you can share content on LinkedIn. The Pages platform wanted to facilitate employee advocacy with the new options to discover and reshare your employees public posts from your page; like customer testimonials, product reviews, etc.

This lets companies showcase conversation that people are having about them and helps build their brand.

“At LinkedIn, we believe that Individuals make up a business, but it’s the community that brings them all together.” – Sparsh Agarwal, of LinkedIn

LinkedIn started rolling out the new Pages experience in the US and will make it available worldwide very soon!

So what do you think? Better improvement? Will you be using LinkedIn Pages more?

Is your company ready to go social?

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