post thumbnail

By Lowell Brown

The Facebook Cheat Sheet for Image Sizing & Dimensions

Did you know that posts on Facebook including a photo album, picture, or video generate about 180 percent, 120 percent, and 100 percent more engagement, respectively? (Facebook) Increase your audience engagement by using this guide to help you improve the quality of images you upload on Facebook.



Your COVER PHOTO (the banner image at the top of your profile page) will be displayed as 851 x 315 pixels; however it is ideal to start with an image size of 1720 x 630 pixels for a high quality image. Facebook will automatically resize your image to the optimal cover photo size.

Tip: For faster page load time, upload an sRGB JPG file that’s less than 100 kilobytes. For images with your logo or text content, you may get a higher quality result by using a PNG file.

Your PROFILE PICTURE will be viewed as 160 x 160 pixels; however you must upload an image with the dimensions of at least 180 x 180 pixels. If your image is larger than these recommended dimensions, it will be cropped to fit the square display area.

Tip: Make sure you profile picture is legible at 90 x 90 pixels as this is the size your profile picture will appear in the newsfeed of others.

The ABOUT section below your profile picture is where you’ll tell users about your company. You’ll have up to 255 characters to describe your business, outline your products and/or services, and provide your contact information.

The FACEBOOK APP ICONS measure 111 x 74 pixels. The app icons are displayed below your cover photo and to the right of the “About” section.

When you UPDATE YOUR STATUS your profile picture will appear next to the left of your post. It will be displayed at 32 x 32 pixels. The amount of text displayed depends on how much you write in your status updates. For example, if your status update is 11 lines or less (not including an attached image) all of your text will be displayed. If you write more than 12 lines your text will be cut down to 6 lines with a “see more” option.

If you UPLOAD AN IMAGE on your timeline it will be viewed as 403 x 403 pixels. Facebook has added a Lightbox interface for viewing photos, allowing users to view entire albums without navigating away from the current page. When a user views an image in Lightbox, it will be displayed up to 960 x 720 pixels. The maximum image size you can upload is 2048 x 2048 pixels. You then have the option to reposition the photo by clicking on the pencil icon to edit.

The optimal size of a SHARED LINK on your timeline is 1200 x 627 pixels or 560 x 292 as the minimum. On your news feed the image will be automatically resized to 398 x 208 pixels. If you upload a smaller image then Facebook will create a 90 x 90 or 154 x 154 thumbnail instead.

If you HIGHLIGHT A POST on your page or create a MILESTONE the image be can up to 843 x 403 pixels.

Facebook Ads

Facebook recommends an image size of 1200 x 627 pixels for all advertisements. A larger image will ensure a sharp photo when viewed in full screen. Your ad will be resized according to ad type.

A PAGE POST LINK advertisement is used to increase sales and generate leads. Facebook has increased the image size in link page posts by 4 times on mobile and 8 times on desktop. They recommend using images that are 1200 x 630 pixels or larger and at a minimum use images that are 600 x 315 pixels.

A PAGE LIKE advertisement is used to increase your number of page “likes”. The recommended image size is 1200 x 450 pixels.

An OFFER advertisement serves the purpose of attracting current and prospective customers. The optimal image size is 1200 x 627 pixels.

An EVENT advertisement is used to promote an event. The image should be uploaded at 1200 x 450 pixels for high quality resolution.

*Note: The sidebar ad is reduced to 100 x 72 pixels.

Feel free to bookmark this page in your browser so you’ll have the proper image sizes on hand the next time you’re updating your Facebook graphics!

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