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By Lowell Brown

How (And Why) to Create Your Own LinkedIn Group

Let’s start by addressing the question: “What is a LinkedIn group?”

LinkedIn groups provide a place for like-minded professionals to share discussions, make business contacts, and establish themselves as industry leaders.

Actively participating in groups discussions on LinkedIn is a great way to expand your reach and build brand credibility. You can easily get started by searching for and finding groups in your area of expertise.

You can search for groups in one of two ways:

In the search box at the top of any page, select Groups from the dropdown list on the left. Then type in your keywords or group name to search. You can choose to refine your search results using the checkboxes on the left.


Move your cursor over Interests at the top of your homepage and select Groups. Scroll down the page and select the Find a group link on the right side of the page. Type in your interests.


Some groups on LinkedIn are free to join while others may require the group manager to review your request to join.

You can join up to 50 groups – tip: focus on groups with a larger membership to extend your reach even further.

Actively participating in LinkedIn Groups is a powerful lead generator for your business. So why not create your own LinkedIn Group? I’ve outlined 3 reasons why you should create your own group on LinkedIn.

1. Drives Traffic:

When you create a LinkedIn Group, you have the option to feature your website URL in the group profile. This will be one of the first things a people will see when they join your group. You can also add a group welcome message that includes a link to your site.

2. Builds Your Network:

Create your own LinkedIn Group and you’ll likely receive new invites to connect on a daily basis. People can use your group as a reason to connect with you on a personal basis because sharing similar interests is a good reason to connect.

3. Generates Leads:

As mentioned above, LinkedIn Groups are a place for professionals who share and connect around a common interest or goal. People in the same industry or with similar interest join your group to find answers. Take advantage of this opportunity by helping members achieve their own goals. During the process, you’ll be able to establish yourself as an industry leader.

So how do you get started with creating your own LinkedIn Group?

To create a group:

1. Move your cursor over Interests at the top of your homepage and select Groups.

2. Click the Create a group button on the right.

3. Fill in the requested information. A red asterisk means it’s required.

4. Click the Create.. button to create your group as an open group or a members-only group.

You’ll want to invite others with similar interests to join your group by clicking “Send Invitations” under the group “Manage” tab.



Are you a LinkedIn Group Owner or Manager? Feel free to share your LinkedIn Group page in the comments below.


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