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By Lowell Brown

The Pinterest Cheat Sheet for Image Sizing & Dimensions

Pinterest has recently changed their layout. Along with this new layout, the image sizes & dimensions have changed. We have created the ultimate cheat sheet with the correct image sizes & dimensions to help you stay up to date.



Pinterest recommends you upload a profile picture with square dimensions measuring 600 x 600 pixels. Your image will automatically be re-sized to fit the profile picture measurements of 165 x 165 pixels.

Your profile name can be up to 37 characters long. You have a maximum of 160 characters to describe your business.


The board cover image measures 217 x 147 pixels. Any important text and/or images in the cover photo should be placed inside these boundaries.

The small thumbnails are found below the board title and measure 51 x 51 pixels.

The complete board size is 238 x 284 px and includes the cover image, the small thumbnails, and the follow button.

You have a maximum of 100 characters to state your board name (of which 28 characters are visible) and 500 characters to describe your board.

HINT: A description with about 200 characters gets the most repins.


After you’ve created a board title for your group of pins, you will then need to upload some pins with the recommended dimensions of 735 pixels wide x adjusted height (the height will be scaled according to the height of the image). This is the enlarged pin, or the image size users will see after clicking on the pin on your homepage.

However, no image is too big to pin. You can upload an image that is significantly larger than these recommended dimensions and your image will be compressed. There is a limit to how small an image be can however. An image must not be smaller than 81 x 81 pixels.

The pin in your feed will measure 238 pixels x adjusted height. (Again, the length is adjusted depending on the height of the image).


We hope our Pinterest Sizing & Dimension Cheat Sheet was helpful. The next time you change your profile picture, create a board or upload a pin to Pinterest, save some time and refer to our cheat sheet for the correct sizing and dimensions.

Be sure to check out our blog “How to Create a Pinterest Business Page” for tips on maximizing your Pinterest success.

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