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By Lowell Brown

Make An Impact When Making New Contacts On LinkedIn

LinkedIn Marketing Tip: Add a personal comment when asking to connect with new contacts.

Many people search out new contacts and simply click the “connect” button to send a connection request. You will make a stronger initial impact if you leave a short comment when requesting the connection.
Here are a couple quick tips to help you make a memorable connection:

1. Tell the contact WHY you are reaching out to them. Have you previously met them in real life? If you think they may not remember you, remind them where you have met or how you know each other. Are you in the same industry? Do you know similar people? Are you looking to do business with them? Let them know why you want to connect.

2. Do NOT try to sell them anything when making a connection request. That’s spam and no-one likes being spammed. Instead introduce a way that you can help them or offer them something (free) that may help them with their business! What a great way to make an impression is asking or offering to help the contact in some way.

3. Remind them what your area of expertise is and if it’s related or helpful to their business in any way, ask them if they have any questions for you about your services or field of expertise. Here is an example, If I’m connecting with a local business owner in a vertical i’m targeting I could let them know I’m a Facebook Marketing expert and ask if they have any questions about advertising on Facebook. Notice I’m not selling them, but offering to help them or at least answer a few questions. This offers them value in the way of knowledge and allows me the opportunity to demonstrate how I can help them.

Try these strategies and let me know what works best for you.

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